Wednesday, August 26, 2015

murder by genocide: a child's opinion of killing, cruelty, and bullying


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Carrie Ann's Genocide Essay


     The way to stop genocide is to make the world's humans stop hating each other. Hating another person can make you mad enough to kill them. Then you are a murderer, right? The problem with genocide is that lots of people kill lots of people. If a war happens many times it is the fault of the government. The leader says "Kill these other people or they will hurt us or kill us. They will take our homes and our money. They will also do very bad things to the children." So the people listen to the government and go along with everything, even if it is a lie about the ones who should be killed. The lies are a way to get genocide to happen.This brain wash is called propaganda. So, if you believe everything the leader says without thinking about the other people's feelings and their human right to have a family and to live until they are old, then you have fallen into a trap which turns you into a murderer.
     Another problem with genocide is that before the other people are killed, a lot of times they are hurt and starved for a long time. They can't wash or keep clean. They must work for the others as slaves. The mothers and fathers can't take care of their children. That is why a lot of times the young kids and babies, and the grandmothers and grandfathers are killed right away. They can't work. They are no good to the government that wants slaves.
     There are very many ways to kill by genocide. The common way would be guns or bombs or poison gas. That is for bigger governments with money. In smaller, poor countries genocide happens using simple ways, but they are not nice at all. The people kill with machetes, swords, knives and ropes too. They drown their enemies, burn them alive, hack off their heads and do other cruel things. Blood is everywhere. One of the most horrible things to happen is when the small babies are smashed against a wall to break open their heads. Sometimes the mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers see it happen. These are some of the terrible ways genocide happens.
     The sad part of genocide is everywhere, even if a person does not die. The ones who survive the massacre are made different from before, when they were part of a family. The things they have seen, the ones they loved may have been murdered, their faith in god or religion is not a thing to help them anymore. Some people have gone crazy, lost part of their mind from being so scared and sad. Their life is now a horror movie where monsters are real and lurk everywhere. They are never happy again.
     If a person is never happy again a lot of bad things can happen. They may get married to have a family but not know how to make the family happy. Their children could grow up the exact same way because of the parent's mental unhappiness. This is a horrible thing to happen to someone who did not do a thing to anyone else, except be born different from the enemy. 
     In conclusion, it is necessary to caution anyone who is a child who reads this. Not all people who survive a genocide are doomed to be unhappy. Don't think that way. Also, if you know of someone who is a bully, and won't change who they are and what they do, you need to report them to the police department. Sometimes they need need to be scared out of being a bully.
     A bully will hurt you. Don't let anyone laugh at you, call you names, make you feel awful about yourself or this life which is here for you to enjoy. Don't let a group bully you. Turn them into the police department.
     Don't let someone else make a decision for you about the situation. A lot of times a bully has parents who are bullies. Talk things over with someone you love or trust.
     Why are bullies so important? A person who will pick on you will also be a person who has no respect for your human rights to be free and happy. This person will be the first one to think that genocide is OK.


My name is Carrie Ann.
The way to stop genocide is to make the world's humans stop hating each other.
You don't need to love everyone. Just don't hate them.
If someone is in need, help them.
Thank you for reading my essay. 

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