Thursday, August 25, 2016

astrocartography mars ic line in review: don't mess with it

Mars IC will deplete your happiness. It will cause ruin to invade and destroy beauty in your life. Mars IC is a venomous snake, a foul stench, a diet of perversity, a lexicon of hate. Mars IC invites influences into your own personal world which seek to degrade, debase, humiliate every particle of goodness which is at the heart of humanity. It is not enough to say beware of the Mars IC line. If you are living on the line and value your life, if you have love to give,  important work to do for yourself and others, children to raise into secure, healthy citizens of this world, it is not enough to say watch out for the dangers of Mars IC.

Get away as soon and as fast as you possibly can. Relocate beyond the dangerous Mars IC influences. Go now, not tomorrow or the next day. 

At the very root of Mars IC is ANTIPATHY. Here is a definition of the word.

A deep-seated feeling of dislike; aversion.

hostility, antagonism, animosity, aversion, animus, enmity, dislike, distaste, hatred, hate, abhorrence, loathing

Timber rattlesnake that nailed me
  My arm after the fasciotomy

  Timber rattlesnake that nailed me

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