Friday, January 8, 2016

mars imum coeli takes a bite: an astro cartography warning

The severe conditions in isolation units have led to some prisoners practising extreme self-harm or committing suicide.© Private
A mars ic resident ultimately will bring out the worst in other people due to the intrinsic thought form which is pseudo-antipathy. If any good can come from  time spent on mars ic it will be the fine tuning of the native's sense of self. A turning inward, a contemplation of one's own worth and true goodness, is really the act of survival for those whose mere presence cause a disturbance in all human relationships, especially family and friends but not limited to this.

 True friends are non-existent or extremely rare. There is aberrant behavior in the family unit, therefore the childhood will be tainted by selfish and hurtful acts of siblings, parents, or others. These injurious actions will cause trauma and this stress will follow the mars ic native through out life.
So what happens when you bring out the worst in someone's being? You do not get candy, softness, or faith. You do not receive fairness, true love, or promises kept. You are not supported in times of trial and tribulations. In fact, in all things necessary for a good life you are undermined, attacked and basically degraded.

In a revenge act against wife, Husband beats four-year-old daughter to death 

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